Master of Arts in Media and Communication Plan II Graduate Projects


Digital marketing has become a key driver in communication and advertising. The content produced by a business has the potential to dramatical influence brand perception and reputation. Ensuring that a brand has established an online presence for its business as well as a level of engagement with its audience is an effective way to stay top of mind to your consumer. There are several tactics that can be used to establish a digital marketing plan that promotes the growth of any business. To validate the benefits of having a digital marketing plan existing literature is analyzed that explores advertising within new and old forms of media, the impacts of product reviews and how consumer engagement levels differ. The literature was able to support the need for a digital marketing plan for a small business, ‘Menifee Financial’. An initial digital marketing audit was conducted as well as a business analysis to gain information on the procedures the business already had in place. A client survey was also conducted but did not collect a sufficient amount of information to include the data. A proposal complied of best practices from the literature is then presented. Although, the proposal is specific to the selected small business its strategies are transferable. This project adds to the literature by addressing the principal audience of communication and its business impact on the heavily regulated field of financial services.

Publication Date

Summer 8-13-2020

Document Type

Plan II Graduate Project

Committee Chair

Dr. Laura Stafford

Committee Member

Dr. Sean Williams
