Master of Education in Instructional Design and Technology Plan II Graduate Projects


The purpose of this project was to create an online training module to acquaint faculty and staff at Bowling Green State University with the University Admissions System and provide them with an overview of the functionality and resources available to them for their recruitment needs. Delivered through the Canvas environment, the course offers flexibility in content delivery through a variety of methods including documents, videos, quizzes and encouragement of self-exploration, in an attempt to accommodate a myriad of learning styles. Upon completion of each section, users should feel empowered to navigate UAS and utilize the data to drive their recruitment goals and initiatives.

Subject matter experts, from the BGSU Office of Admissions, were asked to review the content and appropriateness of the course in relation to the project’s objectives. The overall response was positive and reassuring of the training’s fulfillment of those goals. This feedback supports the plan to allow new UAS users to enroll in the course as they gain access to the system and to prioritize the upkeep of the content as UAS expands and additional departments rely on its resources. Recommendations included additional areas for course content development and a frequently asked questions section for general inquiries most commonly posed by departments around campus.

First Advisor

Dr. Fei Gao

Second Advisor

Dr. Gary Benjamin

Publication Date

Spring 4-27-2015
