Student Projects from Dr. Begum's Literature and Film Courses
This archive of literature and film projects by students is a compilation of select final projects produced by students in a variety of courses (graduate and undergraduate) Dr. Begum has taught in the English Department on literature, film, creative writing, and courses that are cross listed with American Culture Studies, Women’s Studies, Communications and Media, and Canadian Studies. This final group film project assignment was designed as an opportunity for students to engage with texts and materials studied over the semester in creative and different ways that takes them out of their comfort zone and helps them develop new skills for an ever-changing marketplace. Depending on the particular focus for each course (introduction to literature, postcolonial literature, European film, post 9/11 discourses, etc.) and level (graduate or undergraduate) the assignment requirements may differ to reflect focus and level. Brief description of each course focus, texts used, and specifics of the final group assignment are given before the collection of projects for each course. Projects are listed alphabetically after their course number and title.
Projects from 2014
ENG 3140: Fall 2013 Post-Colonial Literature: Course Description, Khani Begum
ENG 3140: The Colonization of the Ipthins, Milan Bows, Michael Gercak, Thomas Hoffman, and Allyson Parker
ENG 3140: The Post-Colonial Nature of Disney: The Ruining of a Childhood, Madilyn Herrholtz, Alicia Wodarski, Sarah Stamm, Ashley Shelton, and Kelsey Montgomery