Leadership Studies Ed.D. Dissertations

An exploration of the relationship between principal leadership, emotional intelligence, and student achievement

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


Leadership Studies

First Advisor

Paul Johnson (Committee Chair)

Second Advisor

Susannah Cleveland (Other)

Third Advisor

Sheri Caldwell (Committee Member)

Fourth Advisor

Kristina LaVenia (Committee Member)

Fifth Advisor

Chris Willis (Committee Member)


This dissertation explored the relationship between principal leadership, emotional intelligence, and student achievement. Analyses were conducted to determine if: principal transformational leadership was correlated with student achievement; principal emotional intelligence was correlated with student achievement; the correlation between the concepts of transformational leadership and emotional intelligence; which behaviors of transformational leadership are most predictive of student achievement; and which scales of emotional intelligence are most predictive of student achievement. The study of transformational leadership and emotional intelligence and its relationship to success is evident in the literature. However, very little research has been conducted on the impact of principal emotional intelligence on student achievement outcomes. Thirty-four principals of typology 1 or 4 schools in Ohio completed the NHS Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (2016) and the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (Bass & Avolio, 2004).

This study was not able to statistically predict student achievement outcomes based on principal transformational leadership behaviors or emotional intelligence subscales. However, effect size testing found a high relationship between principal emotional intelligence and performance index scores (student achievement) as well as a medium relationship between principal transformational leadership and performance index scores (student achievement). Additionally, Pearson r correlations found that many of the transformational leadership behaviors and emotional intelligence subscales were positively correlated. Recommendations for future research are discussed.
