Home > Journals > IJARE > Vol. 12 > No. 3 (April 2020)
Volume 12, Number 3 (April 2020) Special Issue: Diversity in Aquatics 2
Guest Editors’ Introduction to the Special Issue, Diversity in Aquatics
The International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education has collaborated with Diversity in Aquatics to publish two special issues focused on a coordinated and collaborative effort among various aquatic stakeholders to examine issues of diversity as part of a holistic effort to address drowning as a “neglected public health issue.”
The first special issue, Vol. 11, Issue 4, published papers focused on various educational and research topics, historical perspectives, and plans of action surrounding and impacting diversity in aquatics inspired by the Diversity in Aquatics “Call to Action.” This current issue (Vol. 12, Issue 3), however, appears at a time of enormous unexpected societal change, one where, as a global society, we face a huge and deadly public health threat, CoVID-19, caused by the novel coronavirus. Our current social demographic, as we face this global public health threat, has made issues pertinent to social justice, equity, and inclusion central, not only to the evolution of the field of public health, but for us all, as global citizens, members of one global society.
Research Articles
In their article entitled, “Citizen Engagement in Aquatics Equity: The Case of the Winston Waterworks,” Steven N. Waller (University of Tennessee-Knoxville), James H. Bemiller (University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Emily J. Johnson (University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Chermaine D. Cole (DeSoto Parks and Recreation Department), Jason Scott (University of Tennessee-Knoxville), and Angela Wozencroft (University of Tennessee-Knoxville) examined the role of citizen engagement in the aquatic policy planning process, utilizing a project in Winston-Salem, NC as a case study.
In their article, “A Comprehensive Analysis of Aquatic Programming at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)," Tiffany Monique Quash (Indiana University), Knolan C Rawlins (Delaware State University), and Shaun Anderson (Norfolk State University) examine aquatic programming at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
In their article, “LGBTQ Training for Aquatic Employees: Impact on Attitudes and Professional Competencies," Austin Anderson (Southern Indiana University), Eric Knee (Indiana University, and William D. Ramos (Indiana University), examine the impact of a LGBTQ+ diversity training program on the attitudes and professional competencies aquatic employees.
Linda Quan (University of Washington School of Medicine), Elena Shephard (University of Washington School of Medicine), Elizabeth Bennett (Seattle Children's Hospital) have authored “Evaluation of a Drowning Prevention Campaign in a Vietnamese American Community.” The article reported on the conduct and evaluation of a community water safety campaign for Vietnamese American families in the State of Washington.
Educational Articles
In their article, “Aquatic Therapy Interventions and Disability: A Recreational Therapy Perspectives," Jason Scott (University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Angela Wozencroft (University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Vincenzo Nocera (University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Kelsey Webb (University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Jodi Anderson (University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Avery Blankenburg (University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Darrien Watson (University of Tennessee-Knoxville), Sophie Lowe (University of Tennessee-Knoxville), have provided a review of empirical research on the impact and benefits of aquatic therapy interventions, on varying disabilities.
The final educational article regarding diversity in aquatics comes to us from New Zealand. Dr. Chanel Phillips from the University of Otago has authored "Wai Puna: An Indigenous Model of Māori Water Safety and Health in Aotearoa, New Zealand." This fascinating educational article describes the importance of engaging the customs and culture of indigenous people, in the current case, the Maori from New Zealand. You will enjoy the read.
Editorial Introducing the Special Issue for Diversity in Aquatics
Angela Beale-Tawfeeq, Austin R. Anderson, and Steven N. Waller
Research Articles
Citizen Engagement in Aquatics Equity: The Case of Winston Waterworks
Steven N. Waller PhD; James H. Bemiller JD; Emliy J. Johnson; Chermaine D. Cole; Jason Scott PhD; and Angela Wozencroft, PhD
A Comprehensive Analysis of Aquatic Programming at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
Tiffany Monique Quash, Knolan C. Rawlins, and Shaun M. Anderson
LGBTQ Training for Aquatic Employees: Impact on Attitudes and Professional Competencies
Austin R. Anderson, Eric Knee, and William D. Ramos
Evaluation of a Drowning Prevention Campaign in a Vietnamese American Community
Linda Quan MD; Elena Shephard MD; and Elizabeth Bennett CHES, MPH
Education Articles
Aquatic Therapy Interventions and Disability: A Recreational Therapy Perspective
Jason Scott, Angela Wozencroft, Vincenzo Nocera, Kelsey Webb, Jodi Anderson, Avery Blankenburg, Darrien Watson, and Sophie Lowe