Honors Projects


This is an interdisciplinary project between creative writing and women’s studies that attempts to showcase different aspects of feminism from the female perspective through poetry. Throughout my poems, there are multiple different voices raising concern and awareness about a variety of subject matters within feminism, such as basic human rights, violence against women, sexuality, current (and possibly future) political moves and motives for feminism, how feminism is perceived by the public, how women are often times viewed by men and this society, and how feminism and feminists are perceived by anti-feminists. Some of these poems come from my own personal experiences, which allows for readers to see through one millennial, college female lens. I believe that the arts are an exceptional way to document important socio-political movements throughout history, no matter what perspective the movement is shown in. From any angle, depicted through any medium, future generations will be able to see and learn about these revolutionary parts of history that are currently happening during my generation. Art is a great way to capture the emotion of the times, and I hope that I have successfully loaded my poems with a variety of feelings revolving around difficult subjects. I hope that through the form of poetry, I can allow my audience to be more sympathetic towards the lives of women in this current society, and perhaps fuel them with the desire to become more active in making the changes that this world needs. Ultimately, my goal is to allow readers to see feminism as being an important part of progressing the United States towards a more equal and accepting society.


Honors Program


Creative Writing

First Advisor

Sandra Faulker

First Advisor Department


Second Advisor

Rebecca Klaver

Second Advisor Department


Publication Date

Spring 4-29-2017
