Honors Projects


The purpose of this action research study was to explore the impact that Frayer Models have on students’ attitudes towards mathematics. I conducted a two-week unit on transformations, where students were introduced to a classroom focused on academic language, supplementing their learning with Frayer Models for homework and in-class assessments. I assessed their attitudes towards mathematics before and after the use of the Frayer Models, where I analyzed the effect that the Frayer Models had on the students and their use of academic language. It was evident that most of the students’ found the focus on academic language beneficial to their learning, thus positively affecting their attitude and confidence level with mathematics as a whole. Although some students did not find an appeal for Frayer Models as much as others, the models still helped students in the learning of the terms and developing a better understanding on mathematics being a reflective process involving reasoning and sense-making.




Integrated Mathematics Education

First Advisor

Gabriel Matney

First Advisor Department

School of Teaching and Learning

Second Advisor

Eric Myers

Second Advisor Department

Educational Foundations, Leadership and Policy

Publication Date

Winter 2-2-2020
