Honors Projects


Fabric arts, and the practice of dyeing fabric using various resist techniques, is a tradition that goes back centuries, and is unique among art mediums in its relation to science, as the innovations in dye production have directly affected the art form. The development of synthetic dyes in the 1800’s greatly affected the way fabric is dyed, and subsequently the way clothes were made and consumed. As opposed to dyes made of natural materials, synthetic dyes cam in more colors, were brighter, easier to make in large quantities, and lasted longer since they didn’t fade with repeated washings. The practice of making dye from natural materials fell to the wayside, but never completely died out, with people always returning to the ancient art and the beautiful fabric-dyeing techniques that accompanied it. The aim of this project was to develop a series of lessons that focus on the unique relationship that exists between art and chemistry by exploring natural dyes and the art of shibori, a Japanese manual resist dyeing technique.


School of Art


Art – BFA in Art Education: Two-Dimensional Studies

First Advisor

Barbara Bergstrom

First Advisor Department

School of Art

Second Advisor

Ekaterina Mejiritski

Second Advisor Department


Publication Date

Spring 5-11-2020

Dyeing Poster.jpg (16276 kB)
