Honors Projects


In this applied research project, I have explored the uses and limitations of sound resources at Bowling Green State University for student projects. My goal has been to create a stock music library for students on campus to have easy access to for class projects and portfolio work. In this project I address: How can a university best manage its stock music and sound resources; are there any standards for best practices or outstanding examples? What sound resources currently exist for student use in general and at BGSU? How are these sound resources currently managed at BGSU? What are the technical, administrative, or legal barriers of sound resources for student use at BGSU? How could one create a sound resource library at BGSU, what would it consist of and who would have access to it? Through my research, I explain what resources currently exist on campus and how they are managed. I also provide a critical review of literature on fair use and issues of copyright and intellectual property in music and sound resources. Finally, I document the challenges that have come with building a sound resource library and database of Kuhlin center sound resources. This sound resource library has been created exclusively in the Michael and Sara Kuhlin Center filled with resourced purchased by Media Production Department. I have also developed an organization strategy for any sound effects that are created in the media production audio classes by students so that other students may have access to these sound effects for their projects or radio uses.




Media and Communications

First Advisor

Chris Cavera

First Advisor Department


Second Advisor

Susannah Cleveland

Second Advisor Department

Music Education

Third Advisor

Clayton Rosati

Third Advisor Department


Publication Date

Spring 5-10-2019
