Master of Education in Applied Human Development Graduate Projects
This paper helps illustrate the decline of female coaches in the NCAA post Title IX. Before Title IX was passed female coaches coached over 90% of female athletes and currently, while female sport participation is at an all-time high, female’s coaching female athletes is not. This drop in females coaching is a serious issue that demands change. This paper calls for change within the current NCAA administrative structure. This paper looks at recent literature surrounding the issue and replicates a study conducted by Dr. Nicole LaVoi from the University of Minnesota that illustrates the issue at the Division I level. The Division II level is not widely researched and this paper can add to the literature surrounding the decline of female coaches. Giving an institution a grade helps compare them to others with likeness. Ultimately this project answers the following question: What percentage of women occupies head coach positions for women’s sport teams at the top ranked 25 football schools at the Division II level for the 2014-2015 academic year?
Keywords: Title IX, female coaches
Sungho Cho & Jacquelyn Cuneen
Second Reader
Amanda Paule-Koba
Repository Citation
Amon, Madeline, "Where Are All the Women? The Decline of Female Coaches Post Title IX" (2015). Master of Education in Applied Human Development Graduate Projects. 8.
Sport Administration