Master of Education in Applied Human Development Graduate Projects


Employers depend on higher education institutions to develop competent professionals. Current literature suggests that higher education professionals are concerned about the various ways their students develop proficiency of job skills needed for the workforce. Campus recreation student employment provides ample opportunities to develop such skills. Peck and colleagues released a whitepaper regarding the positive impact campus recreation student employment has on developing the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) top-ten preferred transferable job skills by employers. Although Peck and colleagues’ work serves as the primary resource for campus recreation transferable job skill information, there is no current comprehensive assessment tool template that evaluates student employee transferable job skill proficiency. In the current study, researchers emailed campus recreation and higher education professionals working for diverse institutions across the United States and requested their current transferable job skill survey tool. Eleven survey tools were gathered and analyzed to determine if frequencies of questions related to NACE’s skills varied among survey tools. Chi-Square Goodness of Fit tests were used for analysis. The results revealed that the survey tools had a disproportionate frequency in questions related to NACE’s top-ten skills. Additionally, a significant difference existed between the frequency of questions related to NACE’s skills and “Other Skills.” The researchers produced a condensed survey inspired by current literature, results of the current study, and Peck and colleagues’ work. Although, a survey template was created, researchers note that higher education institutions may use this template as a guide to assess transferable job skills but may also add institution specific questions to evaluate their practices. Further research on assessing transferable job skills in campus recreation student employees is suggested.


Dr. Jessica E. Kiss

Second Reader

Dr. David Tobar








