Master of Education in Applied Human Development Graduate Projects


Chelsea Legge


Resistance training at the youth level can be beneficial if implemented correctly. Resistance training has been shown to be linked to better cardiovascular, bone health, psychosocial health and well-being, motor performance and sports performance, and reduce sports-related injuries (Zwolski, Yates, & Paterno, 2017). Faigenbaum (2010) listed five myths about youth resistance training. Despite being myths, many coaches are still hesitant to implement resistance training into youth programs. The goal of this study is to investigate theperceptions that coaches in the high school setting have on Faigenbaum’s myths and the NationalStrength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) guidelines. A quantitative study was administered using a 16-item questionnaire via Qualtrics. A recruitment email was sent out to a total of 680 high school coaches. This included head and assistant coaches. About 11% responded and 10% were usable.

Results show that seven (11.29%) participants strongly disagree that resistance training is unsafe for 7-10 year olds, thirteen (20.97%) strongly disagree that resistance training is unsafe for 11-14 year olds, and thirty (48.39%) strongly disagree that resistance training is unsafe for 15-18 year olds. Results indicate that no one strongly disagreed with the resistance training guidelines set forth by the NSCA. The guideline with the lowest mean and standard deviationwas “Should have a exercise environment that is safe and free of hazards” (M-1.19 SD-.40). Most coaches understand the need for the specific guidelines and safety precautions, but there is still a lack of understanding when it comes to the benefits of resistance training for younger participants.


Dr. Matthew Kutz

Second Reader

Chris Schommer








