Master of Education in Applied Human Development Graduate Projects


Kyle J. Koehler


Peer tutoring services are a vital aspect to collegiate athletic support services to ensure that the academic needs of its student-athletes are being met. Collegiate student-athletes hail from a variety of academic backgrounds and everyone may not be ready for the rigors of college. Student-athletes also devote many hours to their specific sport in the form of practice, weight training, watching film, hosting recruits, doing volunteer services, and competing in athletic contests. Athletic contests may require student-athletes to miss class, which makes tutorial services even more crucial for student-athletes. In addition to these time consuming athletic activities, are a wide array of National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) academic eligibility rules that student-athletes must abide by in order to remain eligible for their respective sport (Meyer, 2005). This places a higher importance on tutorial services not only for students, but also for coaches, athletic academic advisors, and the support services that serve student-athletes.

While many campuses have tutorial services for the overall student body, tutorial services for athletes differ by catering to the busy schedules of its student-athletes. The goal of this study was to determine what internal factors (e.g., motivation of a student) influence an effective tutor as well as determine the extrinsic factors (e.g., nutrition/eating habits) that influence effective tutoring. Understanding these research questions will assist the hiring practice of tutor coordinators as well as provide valuable insight in the external factors that may affect tutoring.


Lucy Lee

Second Reader

Nancy Spencer








Sport Administration
