Master of Education in Applied Human Development Graduate Projects


Since the beginning of the Athletic Training profession, the focus has been on expanding and supporting Sports Medicine in the United States. Little research (Kaminiski, 2009) (Ferrara, 2006) exists on how Athletic Training fits in the International Sports Medicine world. This project aims to add to current knowledge so that Athletic Trainers have knowledge to function in different regions and countries. Athletic Trainers work on-site, at games and practices, to prevent and evaluate injuries, rehabilitate athletes, promote the well-being of athletes, and provide emergency care. Physical therapists work one on one with athletes who sustain musculoskeletal injuries to return them to normal function through rehabilitation. Sports physiotherapists specialize in promoting safe physical activity, adaption of interventions and rehabilitation for athletes and enhancing sports performance. Data was collected to begin analyzing the similarities and differences in the preparation of sports medicine professionals on an international level. 800 Sports Medicine Professionals from a variety of countries were sent a recruitment letter requesting participation with a link to the authors survey. The survey included a 31-item questionnaire, about demographics, academic preparation, credentialing and standards of care in their country. 162 sports medicine professionals responded (20% response rate). Participants answered based on their area of practice. Through literature review we begin to understand attributes of each sports medicine profession. Data from the survey was then analyzed using measures of central tendency, correlations, item analysis, t-tests and one-way ANOVA with Tukey Post Hoc to establish internal consistency, validity and to determine differences between demographics and international sports medicine professionals and specific questions. Sports Medicine requirements are similar, however, there were significant differences in some courses (Kinesiology), skills (Taping, Therapeutic Modalities), requirements (Passing a Test, Internship, HIPAA/OSHA), and practice location (Private Clinic). These differences were expected due to the way in which each profession practices in their country. Out of all the nationalities included in research, Canada, America, and New Zealand hold the most requirements for their sports medicine professionals. These results tell us the areas where sports medicine professionals are limited in their global mobility. This is one step towards creating global sports medicine competencies.


Matthew Kutz

Second Reader

Andrea Cripps








Sport Administration
