Master of Education in Applied Human Development Graduate Projects


Objective: Explore health care professional’s level of self-confidence and experience utilizing the functional movement screen (FMS) test. Design: Non-experimental, exploratory and descriptive research design. Participants: A total of 166 participants competed the survey. Respondents were 60% male, 39% female, 1% not specified. 56% of respondents earned a master’s degree, 20% doctoral, and the remaining were unspecified. The highest percentage of respondents were athletic trainers (60%) followed by physical therapists (15%) , personal trainers (10%), and certified strength and conditioning specialist (10%). 56% of respondents were FMS certified, while 43% of respondents had no FMS certification. Intervention: The Health Care Professional Self Confidence Scale (HCPSCS) (scale range, 1=extremely confident to 7=extremely not confident) was developed and distributed to health care professionals via Qualtrics. Measures: Cronbach alpha with item analysis was used to measure reliability of the survey. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey post-hoc analysis and independent-sample t-tests were used to measure differences between respondents and HCPSCS items. Results: HCPSCS yielded satisfactory internal consistency with a Cronbach alpha of α= .85 with an item analysis ranging from α=.77 to .85. Males showed moderate levels of confidence administering the FMS compared to females who were only slightly confident M=1.85±1.3 vs. M=2.62±1.7; t (155)=-3.13, p=. 011. ANOVA analysis (Tukey Post Hoc) indicated that health care professionals who had ≤ 2 years of experience showed higher levels of confidence than any other experience group’s when identifying muscular weaknesses, F (4,162)=2.39,p=. 001. When measuring overall confidence with the FMS test, and confidence in abilities to consistently and reliably score the FMS, certified FMS instructors with ≤ 2 years of experience showed higher levels of confidence in comparison to any other group, F (3,90)=3.10,p=. 000 and F (3,87)=4.10,p=. 000.


Matthew Kutz

Second Reader

Adam Fullenkamp








Sport Administration
