March 30, 2022: Leverage Change: 8 Ways to Achieve Faster, Easier, Better Results

March 30, 2022: Leverage Change: 8 Ways to Achieve Faster, Easier, Better Results


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People struggle with change. They complain it is hard, takes too long, and costs too much. All too often, it's also ineffective. Look at your own experience. Wouldn’t you jump at the chance to achieve results in your own work faster, easier and better?

It’d be great if there were a predictable way to make this happen.

There is. It’s called Leverage Change: 8 Ways to Achieve Faster, Easier, Better Results.

These 8 smart, strategic actions, or levers, can be applied to any change, any time, any place. Use them and you’ll be on your way to getting more done with fewer headaches, hassles and problems. You can use the levers for everything from strategy implementation to culture change to mergers and acquisitions and leadership development.

This is a session where you’ll get real work done. Whether your change effort is straightforward or complex, involves only your own team or the whole organization, or is just beginning or well underway, your time with Jake will hit the mark. This presentation is really a consulting experience masquerading as a presentation. Using a unique "Rapid Response Consultation" approach, you’ll witness a real time roll up the sleeves demonstration of the power of applying the 8 Levers of Leverage Change.

You’ll also have your own opportunity to put these same strategies to work on any type of change on your plate.

Identify and address the most common problems in your current change work – and know how to do it when you recognize them in the future too.

Question your assumptions. Challenge your paradigm. Open your thinking.

You’ll leave with a fresh perspective on change that will transform the way you see and do change work forevermore. Faster, easier, better change is in your future. Join this session and see how.

Publication Date


March 30, 2022: Leverage Change: 8 Ways to Achieve Faster, Easier, Better Results
