Political Science Faculty Publications


Défendre la cause des étrangers en justice aux Etats-Unis

Document Type



Legal activism and political lawyering in favor of immigrant’s rights developed at the same time in the USA and in France in the 1970’s. If these movements share common characteristics, such as the close association of grassroots activists and law students, they took different paths, influenced by differences in legal culture and institutional environment. In the USA, constitutional limits making it difficult to challenge immigration laws (the plenary power doctrine) led to a different type of litigation strategy, based among other things on class action. This litigation technique became a central feature of immigration law. Substantive results were obtained in challenging immigrations agencies practices, but these results also triggered negative reactions by the agencies and the lawmakers.

Translated by Johann Morri.

Publisher's Statement

Leila Kawar, « Défendre la cause des étrangers en justice aux États-Unis », La Revue des droits de l’homme [En ligne], 4 | 2013, mis en ligne le 14 novembre 2013, consulté le 26 mars 2015. URL : http://revdh.revues.org/341

Publication Date


Publication Title

La Revue des Droits de l'Homme