Master of Arts in Media and Communication Plan II Graduate Projects


There has been a movement toward digital media marketing channels away from the traditional media marketing channels in the realm of business-to-business (B2B) marketing. This transformation is more than mere semantics. It reflects the recent integration of digital strategies including blogging, social media, and email marketing by B2B marketers. A greater commitment to driving return on investment (ROI) and tracking movement through a website is seen in these strategies. In the rapidly changing digital landscape of B2B marketing, there is a focused emphasis on analytics, which reveals a sharp contrast between traditional media channels and social networking. With traditional media, marketers know very little about the level of success achieved by a campaign because the tools for tracking performance are mostly inferential. With digital media, results can be obtained in real-time, through the big data and plentiful content that is readily available for analysis. The challenge presented by this phenomenon is to make sense of the new paradigm created in B2B marketing by the social media platform.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the literature and determine the best strategies that lead to the successful implementation of a B2B marketing program on social media. Evidence-based research was used to analyze how small business owners can successfully transition from traditional media channels to social media channels. They must engage in knowledge acquisition, resource development, strategic planning, and performance measurement. This project will contribute to existing literature from a small business perspective by creating a clear representation of a B2B marketing approach in the Information Age by considering the usage of digital media and the factors that influence the operationalization of networking.

Publication Date

Summer 6-29-2017

Document Type

Plan II Graduate Project

Committee Chair

Dr. Claudia Y. Owens
