Honors Projects


Shelby HyreFollow


Introduction: This study was undertaken to determine whether Bowling Green State University (BGSU) provided an environment that encouraged physical activity and exercise with Honors students (HS). The Trans-theoretical model was used to determine the intent/behavior related to participation in physical activity and exercise. Methods: A computer-based survey was distributed to all HS (N=909). The survey was derived from three previously published surveys. Results: Data were reduced and visually inspected for trends. The response rate was 29.2%. In general, HS were physical active (~70%) and/or exercised (~90%). Distance from the exercise facility did not seem to be important. The HS seemed to be extrinsically motivated when it came to positive social influences and more intrinsically motivated when it came to negative influences. Therefore, positive influences were more important in determining the likelihood of the HS to be physically active and/or exercise and resulted in a positive relationship. HS who had a positive attitude towards physical activity and exercise where more likely to participate. Neither class standing nor employment activity appeared to influence the stage of change. Conclusion: HS at BGSU were more physically active and exercised more than expected. Positive influences played the larger role in determining physical activity and exercise participation. Positive social factors were more important than negative. Physical environmental factors did not seem to affect the stage either. Human behavior related to physical activity and exercise continues to be multifactorial and complex; therefore, additional studies should be undertaken.


Exercise Science

First Advisor

Fredrick Andres

First Advisor Department

Exercise Science

Second Advisor

Paul Cesarini

Second Advisor Department


Publication Date

Spring 5-1-2017
