Honors Projects
From a music education major's perspective, music history is rarely taught in high school and middle schools today. Music history can teach so much to students, including context, style, and even why pieces were written. Through this paper, we explore why music history is an important topic to be taught in schools and how music programs across the country can include it into their curriculums through smaller sized lesson plans. This paper includes a sample curriculum that goes through the different period of music and a unit for "spotlights" for countries that are rarely represented in high school and middle school programs today. The curriculum itself includes a curriculum calendar, unit plans, lesson plans, and scholarly resources for teachers to use and reference.
Honors Program
Music Education
First Advisor
Prof. Kevin Schempf
First Advisor Department
Music Performance Studies
Second Advisor
Dr. Megan Rancier
Second Advisor Department
Third Advisor
Dr. Jodi Devine
Third Advisor Department
Honors Program
Publication Date
Fall 12-7-2024
Repository Citation
Michalak, Abby, "How is Music History Important and How Can Music History be Included into Our Regular Music Curriculum?" (2024). Honors Projects. 1017.
Included in
Ethnomusicology Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Performance Commons