Remy Attig


Remy Attig is an Assistant Professor of Translation Studies & Spanish at Bowling Green State University. Remy is particularly interested in the equity in the translation process, particularly where power differentials, minoritized identities, and diaspora/border language varieties are concerned. He has published on these issues and on the dubbing and subtitling of Spanglish and Queer identities in TV and film in PMLA, Mutatis Mutandis, Translation and Interpreting Studies, and other journals and edited collections.

Remy is a 2022-23 recipient of a University Libraries OER Creation Grant.

Why I Chose OER

I chose OER over traditional publishing for several reasons including equity and community-building.

As a Spanish professor teaching in the US, I’m concerned by the long-term tendency of North American researchers to produce in English, even when both the researchers and the subjects of their research speak other languages. This is also published through paywalls whose costs are prohibitively expensive for students. While this is often due to tenure and promotion expectations in the US, the result is that it further widens the gap between North American institutions and those located in Latin America and Spain. I chose OER because it bridges that gap by offering the same high-quality textbooks to students for free regardless of where they are located.

I also appreciate the range of OER licensing options. For this book I’ve opted for a share-alike license, which requires colleagues to share, for free, any materials they have edited, adapted, or created based on this book. This democratizes scholarship, allows for more vibrant and timely updates, and creates a community of practice around teaching a certain topic.

Creative Translation for Real-World Contexts: English ↔ Spanish

Creative Translation for Real-World Contexts: English ↔ Spanish